Thursday, February 22, 2007

Black Hole Crashes Into Earth

Now is the time to Panic!!! This is Real!
Eventually this rather small Black Hole that landed on our planet near the Canadian border, will keep sucking and sucking until there is nothing left. Not even light can escape the singularity, which is why you cannot see the black hole, only the effects it has on the water can be seen. When the black hole has grown so big as to engulf the whole planet, "oddly enough it will suck itself into itself, after that we do not know what will happen", says scientist who wishes not to be identified.

As you see in this photo, authorities have erected a wall to try to slow down the black hole's consumption, and a barb wire fence to keep gawkers safe from harm. But these will not help as eventually they will be sucked into the singularity also.

Scientists agree that it is only a matter of time before life on Earth is eradicated by the singularity. They calculated it will take about a decade to complete it's feeding frenzy, but will make life on Earth impossible to survive past the 8th year mark. So put it on your calendars people, 2015 is the year of death for most of us. So enjoy yourself now and go crazy!


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