Monday, May 08, 2006

Counterfeit Windows XP Nag Prompt Fixed

Getting NAG prompts to make your copy of XP Genuine?

Following the download and installation of the “Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications” tool, users of counterfeit Windows XP will see alerts at startup, login and during their use of the operating system.

The alerts read: “This copy of Windows is not genuine; you may be a victim of software counterfeiting.” The alerts aren't really that obtrusive, however who wants it there if it doesn't need to be there, true? So follow the instructions below to get rid of it:
  1. Boot or restart your computer, as soon as the WindowsXP startup logo appears >
    Press the F8 key.
  2. A text menu will appear. Choose SAFE MODE, then press ENTER
  3. You Cannot use Safe Mode with Networking, so PRINT this page before you start.
  4. You will need to click-away the nag screen that appears, then click your Username and enter your password (if there is one) as usual.
  5. You could use My Computer to find these files and delete or rename them, however, in Safe Mode your screen resolution is so small that it is easier to use the Command Line Interface.
  6. Once your desktop appears, click Start > Run
  7. Type cmd to open a command-line window
  8. Type cd c:\windows\system32 then press ENTER
  9. Type del wgatray.exe then press ENTER
  10. Type cd dllcache then press ENTER
  11. Type del wgatray.exe then press ENTER
Ok, so the wgatray.exe files is now deleted from the system32 and dllcache folders.
  1. Type regedit then press ENTER
  2. The Registry Editor opens, you may have to move some windows around but don't close any yet.
  3. You need to traverse the registry just like you would folders in Windows Explorer.
  4. Click on each plus sign to expand the trees as follows:
  • Microsoft
  • WindowsNT
  • CurrentVersion
  • Winlogon
  • Notify

In the Notify folder there is a folder called WgaLogon, right click it and click DELETE. It will most likely return when you reboot, however it will not contain the stuff we do not want.

Switch back to the command-line window and type the following:
  1. Type rename wgalogon.dll wgalogon.dll.old then press ENTER
  2. Type cd then a space then two dots .. then press ENTER
  3. Type rename wgalogon.dll wgalogon.dll.old then press ENTER
  4. Type exit
  5. The command-line window closes
We simply renamed wgalogon.dll to wgalogon.dll.old in the system32 and dllcache folders.

Now reboot. See? No More Nagging Prompts to get Genuine.

If you receive Automatic Updates, make sure to use Custom Install option so you can choose which updates to install, don't install anything regarding Genuine Advantage Tool! Because it will probably be downloaded once again, however, you can uncheck it and still get the updates you need. Now click some advertising links so I can make 2 cents. Thanks.


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