Insane Rantings of an Internet Madman! Yes, I am insane and the internet will be my saviour. I am writing this blog as therapy so I can join mainstream society and be a happy shiny person once again! Happy happy Joy joy ...
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Send Mail the Punkass Way!
I hate snail mail! I really do. It creates tons of junkmail that is soooo much more of a waste of resources than your average email spam. Think of the trees that had to die just so some marketing dweeb can send you an offer for yet another credit card, or catalog you won't even look at, or some other shite.
Because most people can't grasp the concept of electronic mail, the web, online banking, bill paying etc, we are still left to deal with the archaic Postal Service. Well, the days where snail mail, paper advertising, and paper spam will come to an end sometime soon I'm sure. It's inevitable ...
So onto the reason for this post. I hate snail mail. I hate wasting money on labels for the return address, waste of ink, time and money. I know, I can just write it in and I do, but labels are neat and professional looking and save me time writing out my entire address.
SO ... Here is what I am throwing out ...
When you write in or print up your labels for the return addresses on your envelopes, to save time and ink, use the following format:
Joe Public {or just your initials, JP}
123 Any St #5
You could further save yourself keystrokes, ink, time etc ... by using your initials instead of your name. It also gives a little bit of anonymity as your name is in abbreviation.
Haven't tried it as the sending address, but I assume it would work also. The postal system really only needs basic address info to get your mail to it's destination. Unless maybe you have some wack-ass address that's hard to get to.
Heh, I told you I was insane ...
Hitler Cats a.k.a Kitlers!
Even though adolph hitler was a piece of shit and is burning in the deepest recesses of hell right now, this site is kinda' funny because it shows pictures of cute little innocent (non-nazi) kitties that just so happen to resemble der fuehrer. Please remember that the kitties are not evil! Didn't anyone ever tell you not to judge a book by it's cover. Yeah I know I spelled his name in lower case.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Microsoft presses the Stupid button
Ok, I knew this was going to happen. Now users of legitimate copies of XP are being pegged by the WGA Tool. I have your cure!
A few weeks agao I posted the recipe for the medicine you need so go there now!
Stupid mistake #2: The new WGA tool is wrong too often. If you’re going to punish your users, you had better be 100% right about identifying the offenders. Sadly, the new WGA code doesn’t come close to reaching this level of performance. A commenter on my blog reports that he’s now getting incessant notifications that his copy of Windows is not genuine.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Read My Boobs!
Yes oh my gawd yesss! Read her boobs, you will not be disappointed. This is such a great idea! And it's a free and generous service so click some of those links why don't ya?
I will write anything on my BOOBS for FREE!!! My name is Bamboo (my parents will be upset if I give my real name)Click here to Read Her Boobs!
and I am an NYU film student. I was inspired by a similar website by a self-proclaiming not so hot guy (and very young) that seems to be doing pretty well. I decided to give my boobs a try on the open market. I think my boobs are nicer to look at even though they might be harder to write on.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
The 25 Worst Tech Products of All Time
Numero Uno! Right there at the top! I still can't believe AOL has customers after all the shitty things they do to their customers ...
How do we loathe AOL? Let us count the ways. Since America Online emerged from the belly of a BBS called Quantum "PC-Link" in 1989, users have suffered through awful software, inaccessible dial-up numbers, rapacious marketing, in-your-face advertising, questionable billing practices, inexcusably poor customer service, and enough spam to last a lifetime. And all the while, AOL remained more expensive than its major competitors. This lethal combination earned the world's biggest ISP the top spot on our list of bottom feeders.Realplayer? Just a bad idea.
In order for your browser to display the following paragraph this site must download new software; please wait. Sorry, the requested codec was not found. Please upgrade your system.And also another peeve of mine:
This might be the worst version of Windows ever released--or, at least, since the dark days of Windows 2.0. Windows Millennium Edition (aka Me, or the Mistake Edition) was Microsoft's follow-up to Windows 98 SE for home users. Shortly after Me appeared in late 2000, users reported problems installing it, getting it to run, getting it to work with other hardware or software, and getting it to stop running. Aside from that, Me worked great.
To its credit, Me introduced features later made popular by Windows XP, such as system restore. Unfortunately, it could also restore files you never wanted to see again, like viruses that you'd just deleted. Forget Y2K; this was the real millennium bug.
If you are still running fucking Windows ME, go to this link and beg them to remove it for you!