Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Send Mail the Punkass Way!

I hate snail mail! I really do. It creates tons of junkmail that is soooo much more of a waste of resources than your average email spam. Think of the trees that had to die just so some marketing dweeb can send you an offer for yet another credit card, or catalog you won't even look at, or some other shite.

Because most people can't grasp the concept of electronic mail, the web, online banking, bill paying etc, we are still left to deal with the archaic Postal Service. Well, the days where snail mail, paper advertising, and paper spam will come to an end sometime soon I'm sure. It's inevitable ...

So onto the reason for this post. I hate snail mail. I hate wasting money on labels for the return address, waste of ink, time and money. I know, I can just write it in and I do, but labels are neat and professional looking and save me time writing out my entire address.

SO ... Here is what I am throwing out ...

When you write in or print up your labels for the return addresses on your envelopes, to save time and ink, use the following format:

Joe Public {or just your initials, JP}
123 Any St #5

You could further save yourself keystrokes, ink, time etc ... by using your initials instead of your name. It also gives a little bit of anonymity as your name is in abbreviation.

Haven't tried it as the sending address, but I assume it would work also. The postal system really only needs basic address info to get your mail to it's destination. Unless maybe you have some wack-ass address that's hard to get to.

Heh, I told you I was insane ...


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